

I'm quitting
I quitted it
Fuck it
I fucked it
Shitting on it
Shitted on it

The boredom, the cheese nips, drowned out, candy in bed, fake coffee, snorted pills, boxed macaroni, sex idiots, self doubt, self destruction, shitty living, the lazy, the bed, the keep it together,

Keeping it together
Fucking it




I was too hot for the sweater but I kept it on anyways because I was avoiding conversation. Maybe I'm at work or maybe I am in my room.
Maybe I am alone.



Maybe I just vant to be alone





Insult to time



Bag Trick



The wild and young Jim Morrison. The fantasy Jim Morrison who follows you home and up a tree to tell you its forever. The bad boy Jim Morrison in leather pants and fluffy shirts unbuttoned all the way down. The mystical Jim Morrison in the desert on acid.
It's somewhere between wanting to be him and wanting to be with him. I want that for me and I want the object of my affections to be that.




We were in this store and I think I was sick or something. My sister was buying toilet paper and being real wishy-washy about it and I just wanted to leave so bad. I found myself performing what I guess could be an adult version of a temper tantrum, just whining and stomping around. I looked at my sister, big eyed and frowning.

"I'm thirty"









Baffled by time




Fantasy Thread


When I left I was like "man, everyone was being real weird to me" and then I realized they were all playing boggle.




Love me do



